Redemption Rescue
Redemption Rescue is the rescue program Ark Charities has acquired. It's mission is to rescue animals from desperate situations and high kill shelters, where every year millions of animals are euthanized across the country. We are committed to rescuing, and rehabilitating, German Shepherds and other dogs. We find them safe and loving forever homes.
Paul, Sara, Max

Last year my wife and I felt that it was time to start our family and discussed all of the things that we wished for our child. One of which was the experience of growing up with a dog. I of course knew exactly which breed that I preferred and was able to convince her!
We agreed that we’d prefer to rescue if possible, but both felt that going that route was admirable, but carried some risk. Luck or fate intervened. Sara’s friend from work had just rescued a GSD from someone in Connecticut and was showing us all these wonderful pictures. We asked her about her experience and she couldn’t say enough nice things about the person that ran the rescue. She gave us Tina’s number and website.
We spent the evening looking at the website together and agreed to fill out the application when we were ready.
Life and work happened and some time had passed until Sara sent me a text of a GSD who looked like a male version of Shirley. The text read “Can we have Majik?” My reply, “Yes!”
Phone calls, emails, questionnaires, and references were passed back and forth. Even though we filled everything out as quickly as it was sent, we were told that Majik was doing a home visit with another family. Tina was friendly and helpful throughout the process, but it was obvious that we were being screened.
Again luck or fate intervened. Tina called a week later and said that the other family was not a perfect fit and Majik was available if we wanted to meet him. We rushed up to Connecticut the first day we were all available.
We were introduced to Majik and had an opportunity to play with him for some time. We were both in love with him immediately. When we were finished and Majik sat on my feet and looked up at me I knew we had to have him.
Tina could not have been more helpful. She emailed us a list of all things she knew Majik would need and the best places to get them. When the process was over and we could finally bring him home Tina walked us to our car and said, “We’re family now, if you ever need anything, I’m always here.”
Boy did we take that to heart! There’s always an adjustment period in the beginning and she was always there with spot on advice. As wonderful and loving as Majik was, there was several times that Sara and I looked at each other and said, “Ask Tina.” She was outstanding when she provided guidance on how to introduce Majik to our newborn son Max this past March.
The “always there” proved to be accurate, but it’s the family part that has truly been a blessing. Tina has definitely become extended family. She was the first person we texted acting like proud parents when Majik passed Basic Obedience class. We’ve sent pictures of us bringing Max home and meeting Majik, standing guard at his crib, the two of them practicing tummy time, and countless other family moments.
Majik has proven to be everything she believed he’d be. He is an awesome family dog and proven to be everything we ever wanted for Max and ourselves. The bond we all have is amazing and it’s only been 18 months. He is always by our side, goes everywhere with us, and especially loves making Max giggle.
Recently, we began to think wouldn’t it be incredible if Majik was able to accompany Sara to school and help her students with Autism. Time to “Ask Tina,” again.
Of course she knew someone within 30 minutes of us who could provide the training to certify him. We’ve have begun the journey to get him that training so that Majik just might be able to make a child’s day better. Tina and Majik have certainly made our families lives infinitely better! Guess whose getting the first pictures and texts after that graduation??
Kimberly N.
Thank you for all you do!! We are so thankful for our two perfect babies from Ark who have become best friends with each other You have a gift of knowing the best fits for these amazing dogs
Tammy LM.
I’m so glad you have all the rules. And I know you and know that you just want what’s best for these magnificent dogs. I trusted you when you said Tyson was our boy and you couldn’t have picked a better boy for us- and for George. They’re a perfect pair and I am so grateful for all you do
Michelle W.
We are grateful to ARK for finding our perfect match! We are absolutely in love with Jacob (now Duncan) -- he is my fur-soulmate!!